armonyMaker10 coming soon..

HarmonyMaker 10

new Graphical interface

Random/Major/Minor button: To set the song mode

BPM: to set the speed of the song

Key: to set the key of the song

duration in minutes: to set the duration of the song

Add Track button: 

adds instrumental tracks to the song (if you don't set even one but click on the save button, the tracks are generated automatically).

Link to the project web page

Skin selection menu

Link to web page to download other skins

Save button: generates the midi backing track

Every time you click on the Add Track button, a "track object" is generated with a button to delete it and a drop-down menu where you can select the type of track:
    • drum

    • bassline

    • chords

    • melody

    • arpeggio

Drum track

the drum track has a drop-down menu where you can set the type of instrument, a menu where you can select the hithat division, a volume slider, a box to activate the "groove" function to have a less linear drum style, a " fill" to activate the drum fills and a "double snare" box to double the snare beats. Finally there is the button to delete the track

Bassline track

the bassline track has a drop-down menu where you can set the type of bass, a menu for the division (how many notes are played in 4/4), a slider for the volume, the box for the "groove" function,

as an alternative to the groove function, you can set the "1note" mode which plays the same note as the current chord, "randNote" to generate random bass turns, "octave" to play the octaves. Finally the button to delete the track.

Track chords

The chords track presents the drop-down menu to select the instrument, the menu to select the division, the slider for the volume, and an "extended chords" section where you can select the blues mode where the 7 blues is added to the chords, the jazz mode where the 9th and 11th are added to the chords. Finally the button to delete the track

track melody

The melody track features the drop-down menu for instrument selection, the volume slider and the button to delete the track.

Arpeggio track

The arpeggio track features the drop-down menu for selecting the instrument, the menu for dividing the arpeggio, the volume slider and the button to delete the track.

advanced Menu

selecting Advanced menu opens a new tab, where if you want you can set the chords and sequences to generate the track according to your tastes.

There are 3 laps that can be set, but if desired you can also use just one.

Calls (0)

Responses (1)

Refrain (2)

everyone has the possibility of setting 4 which are referred to with the reference number (0,1,2) in the song scheme.

The chords are identified not by name, but numerically, starting from 0 for the tonic and moving forward by semitones. Each number (chord) can be selected with "M" major or "m" minor.

If you have suggestions on new features to implement, leave a comment

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